Doctor Turns To Special Diet After Health Problems

Low-Carb, Low-Fat Diets May Each Help the Heart

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Wahls also emphasizes buying food locally, exercising and reducing stress and exposure to toxins. Eve Adamson , co-author of The Wahls Protocol, said she met Wahls through a local community supported agriculture source they both use. Weve created a partnership that originated in organic vegetables, she said. Adamson said shes co-authored about 75 books, mostly about diets and health. She said after co-authoring a health book, she doesnt usually stick with the diet it details, but The Wahls Protocol is an exception.
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The more belly fat a person lost, the better their arteries were able to expand when necessary, allowing blood to flow more freely. “Our study demonstrated that the amount of improvement in the vessels was directly linked to how much central, or belly, fat the individuals lost, regardless of which diet they were on,” lead investigator Kerry Stewart, a professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and director of clinical and research exercise physiology at the Johns Hopkins Heart and Vascular Institute, said in a Hopkins news release. “This is important since there have been concerns that a low-carb diet, which means eating more fat, may have a harmful effect on cardiovascular health. These results showed no harmful effects from the low-carb diet,” Stewart noted. The study was slated for presentation Tuesday at the American Heart Association scientific meeting in San Diego.
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